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Smart chatter

Ever wondered how people write "♥" in chat without looking it up at a webpage and copy-paste it? Or how those hosts at the dance hall can greet five people in five seconds?

It is all about auto-replacing! So instead of typing "/me waves to everyone around her!" you can just type "mw" and your viewer will know to replace that, making you much more effective.

You can use that to write out longer sentences way faster or to replace certain keywords with certain symbols. so if you write "heart" it will write "♥" instead.

So lets go set up an auto-replace where you can just write "mw" to wave!

Open Preferences (CTRL - P) and go to chat (1) then click Auto-replace (2)

Now make sure that "Enable Auto-Replace" (1) is ticked and make a new list (2)

Give your list a name (1) and press OK (2)

Now, there is quite a few steps, so don't rush it!

  1. Click "Add..." to create a new keyword

  2. Type in "mw" as the keyword

  3. Type in the sentence you want - /me waves to everyone around her!

  4. Save entry

  5. Save changes

Namely step 4 and 5 can be tricky and if you only save changes without saving the entry, your keyword will not be saved.

Once this is done, you can close your preferences and go back to the chat window.

Now try typing in "mw " (with a blank space at the end) and you should see your full sentence instead.

You can make as many lists as you like, and group them for changing to ASCII characters (like the ♥) or whatever purpose you have.



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