Frequently asked questions
Being nervous before a session is quite normal, maybe you are not sure what this is, or what we are going to talk about. I have collected the most frequently asked questions here. You may have other questions, and that is also very normal - we all tick different. You can always contact me on IM and we can figure that out.
How do I prepare?
Before your session, it is a good idea to find yourself a nice spot in RL to sit, make it comfy and preferably a place where you feel the safest.
Make some tea or coffee or get a glass of water or similar. And remember to use the bathroom before, as I may not be able to add time to your session at the end. Of course, if you need a drink mean while, we will make it work!
What happens if I need to cancel?
Sometimes things out of our control happens, and we all know the phrase "Real Life comes first". And another factor I sometimes see, is people getting cold feet as the time approaches. So if you need to cancel I would appreciate a message as far in advance as is possible.
I do not charge a fee for cancelation!
Where do we meet?
Basically that is up to you. We can meet right where you want. I do have an office that I suggest we use. There is little distraction and no other people around - and I have made great effort in collab with some of the people who have talked to me in the past, to make it as cozy, comforting and inviting as I could. If you prefer to meet in your home or in public, that is up to you. Just let me know.
How do we sit?
My office has both some couches as well as a swing where you can sit with your back to the room, some cuddly teddy bears and pillows on the floor. You decide both where you sit and where I sit, while we talk. You can also ask me to cam to the window for instance, so I don't look at you.
And if you need to change a pose, move to another furniture, stand up or something else, you just do it.
I also offer to sit with you, using non-sexual cuddle poses, if you need to be held, or comforted.
What can we talk about?
We can talk about everything and anything. I will usually guide the conversation in a natural way, by asking questions, but you decide what you tell me. In counseling there are no taboos, no off-limits and no "TMI".
What if there is something I don't want to talk about?
If you know on beforehand that there is a topic you don't want to touch on, you can simply tell me. If you during the conversation feel that we are moving into areas you are not comfortable with (some times the talks gets very private) you can just let me know, or we can agree that you send a smiley or similar.
How do I know you won't tell anyone?
I would be a poor counselor if I ever shared anything to anyone. What you tell me is in full confidence. The only time I would ever share something to an outside party, is if my "obligation to notify" is triggered. But I haven't had that happening in my nearly 20 years in the field, and if that ever happens, I will let you know on beforehand, and if any way possible, support you in letting the right party know.
What is "Obligation to notify"?
Also known as "Duty to Warn". You can read more about it here.
What do I wear?
You can dress anyway you like! Obviously, if you select a place outside my office, you will have to abide to the region covenant and the maturity rating. If you feel best being a non-human avatar for the sessions, or you need to undress in some way or similar, that is fine. If your avatar is male, I ask you to not have an erection.
I will have my private parts covered at all times.
My question wasn't answered here
Please send me an IM in-world with your question, nothing is too big or too small, and nothing is never ever ridiculous to ask!